Friday, June 12, 2009

Associate Degree Online

This article will help those with high school diplomas whom are deciding whether or not to pursue an Associate Degree Online program. This article will help students discover the types of majors available, how long it will take to obtain a degree and some of the top paying jobs for those with an Associates Degree. Please note, applicants must obtain a High School diploma before enrolling in an Associate Degree Online program.

A student pursuing an associate degree online has two choices when it comes to majors, either earning a degree that is exclusively concentrated on a certain major or pursuing an Associate Degree Online that covers a variety of content, commonly referred to as a Liberal Arts Degree. Option one is best for students that plan to pursue a career after completing their associates degree, common career choices are Paralegal and Nurses Assistant. Students that chose option two typically plan on getting a Bachelor's degree after receiving their Associates degree.

In most cases, a student that enrolls in an Associate Degree Online program will complete requirements in two years. A full time student will generally need to complete about 15 credit hours or four semesters to earn an Associate Degree Online. One way to determine whether a part-time or full-time schedule is best is to create a schedule that allows three hours of study for every one hour of class instruction and be sure to include work, family and all of your day to day responsibilities. After completing the schedule determine the sacrifices that will need to be made and whether it is feasible.

According to a study performed by BJS, the three best paying jobs for people with an Associates degree include computer specialists who earn $59,480 per year and perform task ranging from technical support to coordinating network security; dental hygienists who can expect to make $58,350 and have job duties that include routine teeth cleaning. The high demand career of Registered nurses pays $52,330 per year and primary responsibilities includes treating the sick and caring for the elderly.

By: Jay Madison

If you'd like more information about Associate Degree Online programs, or to schedule an interview with Jarobie Anderson, please email Migil at or visit

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Online Education In Business Administration

Business Administration Outlook

A business administration degree is the most helpful towards building a career. Professionals from any walk of life, with any educational background would do very well indeed by learning management techniques, theory and application, to be able to advance in their workplaces and their respective industries; business management is part of any operation or field of work in the world. It is reported that despite the economic downturn, jobs available in business administrative services are set to increase by between 10 and 17 percent over the nest 3-5 years (i).

A business administration career is highly sought after as the need for maintaining efficient and cost effective business operations is now greater than ever all over the world, and there is an ever increasing need for dedicated and intelligent professionals to not only run business processes effectively, but to also improve process and make them more cost effective and provide better results as a whole.

Online Business Administration Study

Globalization and the global recession in recent years have combined in their effects to cause a major upsurge in online education enrollments. With the economic situation making traditional education unreachable to most students at this point in time, enrolling online is not only economically viable, but would allow students to carry on with their present careers or jobs and be able to work for the certificate or degree from their own homes.

Perhaps the most effective online BBA and online MBA degrees are to be found in the North Americas, with the USA leading the way in MBA and research based business education. Indeed it was in the US that the MBA took the form it has today everywhere in the world; the scientific approach to management having been initiated in American universities. This has transmitted to online education, with online business administration programs now providing, in many cases, better results in terms of grades and learning. One of the major factors effecting this improvement is that fact that most students can learn coursework from home and be able to apply or observe the theory in practice at their own workplaces, thereby gaining a valuable insight.

An accredited online business administration degree is almost always considered identical to a traditional campus based degree. The coursework is theory based with required reading and lecture (slides and/ or videos and recorded audio- all over a cable/DSL connection) but requires little or no physical participation in many cases; this makes an online degree education easier to administer and easier for working students to manage. The opportunity cost of the education (the time lost that could have been put to use to make money or living a social life) is greatly reduced in this way, and as mentioned before, allows the student to look for the application of business management techniques in the modern work environment at the same time.

(i) - United States Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics

By: Frank Johnson 1 is a web directory for the top online schools, colleges and universities in United States and Canada; with the links to descriptions and search options for online courses or distance learning programs.