Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Distance Education- The World Is In Your Hands

Distance education has come a long way since it was first developed in the 1700’s when weekly course assignments were passed out by horsemen messengers in a very small area of Boston. In the 19th century correspondence courses got a serious boost when the Postal Service was established and college courses could be completed in a matter of six to ten years. That was a major boon to Victorians looking to advance their education. It got even better when airplanes came and started express mailing assignments.

Now, distance education can take place in real time, just like a traditional college. The advances in the internet and computers have created a whole new world for distance education. Web 2.0 and technological innovations that have increased internet and computer speed have made learning much faster than it has ever been before. Distance education no longer takes years to complete, and you can basically get any degree that you want on your time.

The flexibility of online courses has put you in the driver’s seat. You can work as hard as you want or take your time depending on your situation but one thing remains true, you can get a quality education and achieve a higher degree that is just as marketable from an online college as a traditional one.

Having an education will open up your career opportunities big time. Getting an associates degree, bachelor’s degree, or even a higher degree from an online program shows that you’re committed to succeeding in your career and can boost your chances at getting a good job. You need all the help that you can get to advance your career, and this is a great tool to add to your arsenal.

Online degree programs and distance education have limitless possibilities, and you don’t have to worry about moving or commuting to a traditional campus. You can do everything right from your computer, either from home or from wherever you want to learn. Plus, the programs online will be much less expensive than a traditional college education.

Distance education isn’t exactly a new thing. However, thanks to the internet and technology, it certainly is much different and much more popular than it has ever been before. Every day, more people are taking advantage of distance education and all the benefits that it has for career success. The convenience and affordability of online learning make it perfect for just about anyone, and you can start your new career path by enrolling in an online program today.
About the Author:
Robin Brown has earned two degrees online. She counsels and writes about online degree programs and the availability of scholarships for students enrolled in online college programs.

By: Professor Ash


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